update 001

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting very frequently, and that you don't see a lot of my photos on my Instagram anymore. Recently, I've been very busy working on some secret stuff, and I've been writing lyrics for some songs that i want to release in the coming months. Until then, if you read... Continue Reading →

a heartfelt mistake

The sunlight finally shined, but I felt cold on the inside. I used to heal in the moonlight, but my pain surpassed my threshold. I'm stricken with scars from an older me. I chose to never open the same door twice, but I couldn't help my curiosity. Sometimes I look back and feel numb.

i still remember you

I woke up with rain around me, I realized life wasn't the same without me. Slowly swept away by the sky, I wished I could never die. I only saw what was blue and dark, like blood from a vein, but not towards my heart. I wished I could see what was near, but not... Continue Reading →

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